In September, an outbreak of lumpy spread throughout India. As of the date of publication, over 50,000 cattle have died in the country because to the virus. Lumpy causes painful lesions all over the skin that can easily get infected. It is also characterised by severe fever and secondary infections that contribute to the high death rate. Unfortunately, there is no treatment for the disease, which is spread either via parasites or through contaminated food or water. In collaboration with other local residents, Braj Animal Care is helping maintain a quarantine centre for more than 50 lumpy-affected cows and bulls on the Yamuna Riverbank. We are very grateful to be able to provide some relief to them.
A team member feeding the cows
We are also very excited to announce that soon, our medical treatment program will begin again. During the months when we were unable to provide this service due to financial reasons, we received hundreds if not thousands of calls for all kinds of cases ranging from road accidents to gruesome wounds infested with maggots and various diseases. If you would like to help support our daily feedings or medical program, either financially or by volunteering, please contact us at…