Location: Shri Krishna Sharanam
Cause/Injury: Burn to the right hand by electrocution
Treatment: Sprayed the wound clean, administered antibiotics, antihistamines and anti inflammatory medication
Lochan, the langur, roams Shri Krishna Sharanam colony daily to frighten the monkeys. We had already provided deworming tablets and multivitamin syrup for Lochan but the Baba who takes care of him, recently informed us that Lochan had suffered burns from electrocution. The Braj Animal Care team went to assess him and we administered treatment for his wound. Unfortunately, Lochan scratched his wound so much that it opened up again and Baba called us back to check on him. We carried out the same treatment and provided him with some extra bottles of antiseptic spray, which Baba can use on Lochan regularly. The team will remain available to Baba and Lochan so that his recovery can be supported.
The way Baba cares for Lochan is inspiring. This langur does not belong to him yet he is concerned about his well-being, like a parent who cares for their child.